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Momma's Patch was born out of the Back to the Fuchsia group. It is an allotment on the Great Central Allotments.

There is a small group of people who attend the group so it is a very easy and relaxed group to be part of. There is no cost and no obligation to attend every week.

Fishing for relaxation. All levels welcome from beginners to more advanced. 
Sharing skills and helping in all fishing aspects.

Beginning again 3rd April

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Knitting and craft group. Men or women interested in learning to knit, crochet and do crafty bits. 


MTC Weds 3-5 pm

 The MTC 

Fri 5th April


Alternate weeks.

It will be run by Milo, John and Christopher and will suit all sorts of  people from the casual stroller to more serious walker.

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More Information

Coming Soon

Have your Say gives you an opportunity to come to talk about anything! We want you to know we are ready to listen and help were we can.

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